

Mmmm... talk about my career, it's something we are asked to do in many places, but commenting on what I would change is an easy and difficult question at the same time.  I think that somehow everything they teach us should make sense for the future, but I feel that several branches are not focused in a good way for us to learn or something fails in the way of teaching the subject because for generations they have been the hardest to pass, although it is true that not everything is easy, those branches cause such a degree of stress that is not normal (and at this moment I feel like that).  I don't think I would change much about the universality, I like that it has green areas and the buildings are not so big so that it is not difficult to find the rooms, but I would change the place where it is located since I go by public transportation it is very difficult to get there because of the number of people that go to the hospital in front and also because the area is not the safe...

My Future Job

I study biochemistry, and I believe that although it is a hard career, I could achieve what I dream of doing. I entered this career for the love of genetics, in general biology seems very interesting to me, but this specific area was the one that made me do everything to dedicate myself to it in the future.  Unlike many people, contact with people is not my thing, so the medical career was not an option because I did not see myself in a doctor's office pulling the diseases of the people, but if I had inside the spirit of wanting to help those people, so working in a laboratory was ideal for me, and yes, I know it does not sound the most entertaining job, being locked for many hours in a room working does not sound the most ideal, but everything that can be found in the work that is done is the wonderful thing about working there. although my dream is to work in a laboratory inventing things, it does not mean that it has to be in chile, clearly, it will be a period here, but the ide...

Childhood Series

This topic excites me a lot because I have many memories as a child with the series if I must admit that I was more a fan of the movies, at that time they were seen on VHS, and to this day I have many movies in that format.  I think one of the series that I liked the most was "Blue's tracks", I loved that little dog and that it was a partly interactive series, it made me have a lot of fun watching it, another one could be "Clifford" because a huge red dog was a dream for me as a child, I had my room full of stuffed animals of him, and the last one that I could say is the most important, is the "Teletubbies" I loved that series too much, my favorite was po.                When I was a little older Nickelodeon was the place where I spent the most time, some series like "Isa TKM" or "Grachi" could not miss when I came home from school and I sat down for a while to rest, and avoid doing homework. 

My Pets

 I know it can be very sad but I don't have a pet :( but it's not because I don't want to, it's because my house is not in the right conditions to have one. A long time ago I had a dog, her name was Lali and her breed was Cocker, I don't have pictures of her because I was very little and I have almost no memories but what my mom tells me is that because everyone in my house went out almost all day either for work or studies, she spent a lot of time alone and that was not good for her, and for the same reason, it makes me very sad to adopt a pet now and feel that same loneliness.                                          At the moment I share with my boyfriend's pet, she is a puppy rescued from the street and although it was very difficult at the beginning because she did not trust much, after a year with her she is very happy and has all the love that she did not have before....

The Best Concert Ever

I could say that this is the best concert/non-concert I have ever had. was on October 18, 2019, for many people that date might ring a bell and that's why it was so special. that day I was going with my best friend to a concert of the "moral distraída", it is a Chilean group of friends and two brothers of tropical music. we arrived more or less early and after a long time of waiting and those very few people arrived due to barricade problems or for fear that something would happen to them, the band informed us that the concert was canceled but in order not to leave the people who went without anything they came down from the stage and sang making a circle with everyone who was there, that day I felt a very beautiful sensation even though outside there was a difficult moment, one of the songs had to do a lot with the theme and to see the emotion of the singers and the people who were there, it was a unique moment.  After they finished singing, they let us all take pictures...

A country you would like to visit

The country I would like to visit is Mexico, it is not very far from ours, but some time ago I had a colleague who was Mexican and she told me a lot about how was the day of the dead and everything that happened there, knowing their deep vision of death and how to remember their deceased relatives making altars, dressing up as "catrinas" for parades, decorating the tombs with flowers and garlands besides cooking typical food of them like the bread called "conchas" made it an experience that I would like to live at least once.  So far I would say that it is a country I would not like to live in, and I have not found out much about what they are like academically but to be able to travel in this time would be my dream.