The Best Concert Ever
I could say that this is the best concert/non-concert I have ever had. was on October 18, 2019, for many people that date might ring a bell and that's why it was so special. that day I was going with my best friend to a concert of the "moral distraída", it is a Chilean group of friends and two brothers of tropical music. we arrived more or less early and after a long time of waiting and those very few people arrived due to barricade problems or for fear that something would happen to them, the band informed us that the concert was canceled but in order not to leave the people who went without anything they came down from the stage and sang making a circle with everyone who was there, that day I felt a very beautiful sensation even though outside there was a difficult moment, one of the songs had to do a lot with the theme and to see the emotion of the singers and the people who were there, it was a unique moment. After they finished singing, they let us all take pictures...